Ready for Zane Grey #4. So far 2-1 against the beast
About to head into my fourth Zane Grey, was nice to be bouncing off the walls again, been a while since I've been excited about a race like this. Kid like energy. Crown King was a great experience and it definitely gave me confidence moving forward. I just didn't know how to follow up, my hundred mile finish, at Across the Years. It was such a great performance / accomplishment and i'm afraid I'll never be able to top that. I guess I've been like that my whole life, a worry wort. Believe me I may look confident, I do work hard, but I get nervous and insecure about things. For as long as I can remember I've never felt good enough. It's in my own mind, a character flaw, because I know that I continually accomplish things and inspire people. I love to get emails/text or even post of people telling me how inspired them. I want to continue that. As I sit here, eating breakfast, ready to leave to Pine AZ I just want to remind myself to be grateful for a...