9 nights until my first Ultra Marathon

As of today, I got 9 nights before toeing the line of my first ultra marathon, the 2011 Noble canyon 50k in California. 

Running an ultra has been a dream of mine since I read the book Born to Run by Christopher Mcdougall.  I been training for months and it is hard not to be excited and want to share my journey with my co worker's, church friends, and family.  Im not sure many of them really understand what I am doing. I get the feeling many think I am flat out crazy or weird.  Being a runner I am used to facing adversity on my own.  In many ways it fuels my fire to achieve.  Dont get me wrong, there are times I want to skip a workout or feel sluggish in the first few miles; but once the runners high kicks in I get to where my only focus is putting one foot in front of the other, and enjoying my freedom from the stress of this crazy world. 

I heard a great qoute from Jimmy Dean Freeman on
www.ultrarunnerpodcast.com  He said something along the lines of I do this for the pure morbid curiosity, the suffering we go through is self inflicted.  I have been using that quote ever since I heard that pod cast.  If you get a chance check out that web site. 

For me, I do it to live a healthy life.  Part of me loves the pain and the satisfaction of conquering miles on the road or on a trail.  Part of it also, is the fact I never want to stop dreaming and challenging myself.  In grade school I remember writing so many papers on what I wanted to be when I grew up. The possibilities were and are still endless.

One thing I get an F in for my training so far is my diet. As my mileage increased my calorie intake did not.  It has taken a toll on me.  I hope in these next 9 days I can hopefully gain a few pounds back and be ready for the race.  It was a lesson well learned, as I plan to do many more ultra races.     


  1. Man I've always envyed ur running abilities u could run for days how liberating, I'm always so pround of u, you've always been a great influence as a big brother. Love ya man.


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